

的 lodging project helps improve quality of life for military personnel.

的 海军陆战队 believes in caring for its members and their families. 当需要临时住宿时,军团也不例外. Temporary lodging facilities offer short-term housing solutions for military members, 他们的家人和客人. 海军陆战队选择了 哈斯克尔的联邦团队 作为合作伙伴,帮助他们完成使命.


海军陆战队的传统是任务优先. 以帮助实现其目标, the 海军陆战队 Community 服务 (MCCS) participated in the facility design. 的 协同设计工作 包括建造旅馆房间的全尺寸模型. 这让客户能够真正体验设计. 澳门足彩app empowered MCCS to better accomplish its goals without uncertainty.


的 Miramar Inn provides an inviting atmosphere for military personnel. 的 two new wings provide amenities alleviating the stress often associated with moves. 的 LEED®金牌认证设施 从可再生能源中获得14%的电力使用, reduces stormwater runoff and incorporates Energy Management and Control systems to lower energy costs.

  • 设计-build 55,000 SF addition to an existing Temporary Lodging Facility (TLF)
  • 因安全表现突出而获嘉许信
  • 提前完成
  • 高效的机械系统和低流量夹具
  • 建筑材料在当地采购
  • 循环再造及堆填区分流
  • Approximately 14% of the facility’s electricity usage is solar generated
  • Facility design reduces stormwater runoff and contributes to Low Impact 设计
  • Energy Management and Control Systems significantly reduce the facility’s energy consumption


澳门足彩app has proven themselves as leaders in the design-build industry and invaluable partners to the U.S. 海军陆战队. MCAS Miramar and 海军陆战队 Community 服务 look forward to a continued partnership."

Col. 约翰P. Farnam
One bedroom suite with living area, office furniture and breakfast table

澳门足彩app has proven themselves as leaders in the design-build industry and invaluable partners to the U.S. 海军陆战队. MCAS Miramar and 海军陆战队 Community 服务 look forward to a continued partnership."

Col. 约翰P. Farnam

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